live in dom kulture

Eto mene nakon 14 godina ponovo u Jaloviku, sad sa drugom ženskom i umetnicom. Baš pre nego što krenusmo pročitam da Vlasta Delimar pravi u svom selu koloniju ‘de su svi goli, i krenem još na železničkoj ‘de smo se skupili, da u mislima svlačim ekipu i zamišljam kako gologuzi trčkaramo po Jaloviku. Al’ to je više hipi fazon i ide uz tu Vlastinu generaciju. Mi smo valjda konzervativniji po tom pitanju. Čak sam saznao da u ženskoj spavaonici umetnice zaziru od toga da jedna drugoj pokažu sesi. Valjda sam zbog toga još i pre spakovao ludačke košulje, i pitao Branu da l’ mogu da zovnem i kuma, gitaristu našeg benda Психоterapija da dođe, što je on aminov’o pa smo mi u košuljama patrolirali po Jaloviku i vežbali novu stvar („Šutamo pa trpamo“).
Na bazenu u Vladimircima me načela neka kijavica, a posle kupanja u Savi i neka groznica, a nakon toga kad sam se vratio u Švabiju i posle kupanja u Wannsee tri dana i noći nisam spavao jer su mi se zapušile sve cevi u glavi, i zato što sam histerični hipohondar već sam bio ubeđen da sam dobio ptičji grip jer sam pet dana sklanjao brdo golubijih govana sa bine u Domu kulture u Jaloviku glancajući je za prvi nastup Психоterapije. Uzaludno krpljenje po Domu kulture je već tradicija ove kolonije ili ipak dijagnoza umetničkih poremećaja. Nisam našao onu kuglu što je Smiljanićka glancala,
al’ sam skupio par sveća na groblju i ukrasio binu. Uz sve ovo stigli smo i da naslikamo sliku.
Loptamo se loptamo
Guramo i driblamo
Šutamo pa trpamo
Loptamo se nismo više mladi
Igramo se dok nam ne dosadi

Here I am again in Jalovik after 14 years, now with another woman, and artist. Immediately before taking off, I heard that Vlasta Delimar is organizing in his village a colony “where everybody is naked, so as early as on the railway station where
we all gathered, I start undressing in my mind the whole crew and imagining how we are all running around Jalovik stark naked. But no it’s more a hippy style that goes well with Vlasta’s generation. We are, I guess, more conservative in that respect. I even found out that in the female sleeping rooms the artists are shunning from showing each other their tits. I guess that this was the reason why I packed the strait jacket even before all this, and asked Brana if I could bring my buddy with me, guitarist of our band Психоterapija, to which Brana said ok, so we patrolled around Jalovik in strait jackets
practicing a new song (“Kicking and scoring”).
I caught a flu at the swimming pool in Vladimirci, and after swimming in the River Sava, I even got a fever, and after that I went back to Germany and after swimming in Wannsee, I could not sleep for three days and three nights, because all
the pipes in my head got clogged. And because I am a hysteric hypochondriac, I was already convinced that I caught bird flu because five days I was cleaning pigeon droppings from the stage of the Culture Centre in Jalovik, polishing it for
the first performance of Психоterapija. Pointless mending of the Culture Centre has already become tradition of this Colony or rather a diagnosis of artistic disorders. I could not find that disco ball that Smiljani’ polished, but I gathered few candles at the cemetery and decorated the stage. In all this, we even managed to paint a painting.
We are playing ball, playing ball
Pushing and dribbling
Kicking and then scoring
We are playing ball, we are not young any more
We are playing until we are bored

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